
my final exams have began, just came back from one of the test. 7 more to go then I'll be in 9th


@TurboTerminatr  no no I turned 14 this January


@Ambermeerkat1020 wait wat? aren't you 13, so you'd be in the start of year 8? (it might be different for me idk)


my final exams have began, just came back from one of the test. 7 more to go then I'll be in 9th


@TurboTerminatr  no no I turned 14 this January


@Ambermeerkat1020 wait wat? aren't you 13, so you'd be in the start of year 8? (it might be different for me idk)


imagen your some random ST fan on twitter who then decided to repost a fanart of a character and do not credit the artist.
          only for the OG artist to find out about it and then call you out.
          and to top it all off. Mr. boom the creator of ST also put a like on the callout, pretty bad first impression to the creator himself.
          (yup that's what happen to me. someone repost my art so I call him out, and then I get a notification that Mr. boom himself put a like on the callout bruh)


@TurboTerminatr well he did apologies to me later on and said next time he'll make sure to credit the artist


@Ambermeerkat1020 damn, I think he might've taken a liking to your art and stuff. heres to hoping that he doesn't do this with everyone-


ok um...
          does anyone by chance know what happen to "skibidi toilet (F!Reader)" by "MARIGOLDUwU1"?
          because all the chapters are gone


@The_WatchMan_Of_Doom bro I know he's DISGUSTING.  a "CP" addict ,who ask other artist(most of them also minors including me) to draw the titans as "these" characters. oh well good thing allot of people know about him now and have already blocked/muted him


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@Ambermeerkat1020 BECAUSE I AM GETTING DEJA VU Fro-,I Just Saw The Name @/ just said it,Oh Fucking Hell No,Reject Whatever He Say's,That Guy's A Demon,Those Three Boy's Aren't To Be Merged With The Titan's Whatsoever So Don't Do It


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@Ambermeerkat1020 oh shit,what kinda child corn do you mean by?,Were There Picture's Of Three Mentally Stable Boy's?


I am gonna redo some of the arts that you see through out  my story (skibidi universes)
          and also working on the first chapter of my other new skibidi toilet story (more drawing...but I want them to be good because I want to show some events that are happening rather then just leaving it on the reader's imagination because I know I won't be able to write them well anyways)


@TurboTerminatr  so am I using the web version, and I was able to see it before, but idk why now I can't see it


@Ambermeerkat1020 i use the web version which is probably why i can.


1) sorry for not posting a part in a while. but I still need time since I was working on art works AND my finals are coming...T^T
          2) someone on twitter is in hard disbelief that I am 5'7 while they are 5'4 even though we both are almost similar age
          (since I am Indian and they are German. which means they should have been taller and I am shorter)
          honestly, even though google said a Indian females average height is 5'0. I have met WAY more girls similar or few years older to my age and they all are taller then the average height. (and don't even get me started on boys, they are really tall)
          so ya, 
          someone jealous, even when I try to end the conversation they where like "well if you can't except the truth then don't response" like bruh
          they cannot except an Indian taller then them even though they are shorter then the average German height which is 5'10 something? idk
          (honestly I don't think google is that accurate when it comes to height of people from different places bruh)


@Ambermeerkat1020 ah,an Indian Skibidian fan,nice to see someone from India on here besides me being from Pakistan 


ok so um...more on Spidarrund's drama.
          Spid responded finally on twitter, and it's probably the worst response from him in this situation.
          at first he tries to apologize for his actions, and ask for a second chance by him making a new YouTube account(since his old one now belongs to someone else) to which people give mixed reaction in the reply. some forgave him, some don't.
          and then in the next post he's like "I don't care about hate, if they don't forgave me then fine I'll won't force them" (and then the best part)
          he didn't even properly apologies. he still has not talked about other things he has done. and this time no one is on his side on the replies.
          (as far as I has read, they don't forgive him. calling him "Pedorrund" and "Diddyrrund". I mean is GF was like 13-14)
          he still has not apologies to Aoki, or ANYONE hear.
          not gonna lie I loved his skibidi toilet animations. but after all of this, it's better if he just leaves this community.


heh, Kind of working on another skibidi toilet story which would take place in another universe.
          this story will be connected to the main one (skibidi universes).
          it will cover the events that have happen WAY before our "villain" Light enter the main story timeline and Kidnap brown for unknown reasons.
          now I am not sure when I'll publish chapter one ,but probably after few more parts in skibidi universe.
          and when I do publish it, Skibidi universes story will be put on hold(but continued later on)


I feel bad for Aoki
          (he's a twitter artist AND the creator of the drone men, which Spidarrund stole and use in his series)
          now Spid's channel going to be owned by someone else and they changed the channel name to "Virtual legion studio" .they also said now the invasion series,its story and  characters will be owned by them.
          but who's gonna tell them that they still do not own the drone men, since spid stole it from Aoki, they basically don't have rights to them


@TurboTerminatr not very surprised with the example you use.
            the British literally have a museum where they kept the things they stole from India, the famous Dimond of the British crown kohinoor  also originate from India
            (the British museum is basically a Chor bazaar according to others hear bruh)


@Ambermeerkat1020 well here we have the classic legal dispute:
            For example, the British have many Greek artefacts from when they invaded and stole them, and they think they have rightful ownership since theypreserved them for so long. But the Greek argue that they were the original owners of the artefacts and should have them back.
            Thus, they remain in Britain.