
The last chapters of Compelled have been posted. ♥️ it's been a pleasure 


Hey guys. I hope everyone is taking extra precautions where you can to stay safe and healthy. 
          The long awaited final chapters will be posted by the end of this week to the start of next (Tuesday the latest). Thanks for the patience and I hope the chapters will be worth the wait.


Happy New Year to one and all. I pray that this year will carry you all to bigger and greater things.
          PS: Compelled will be updated in a few days. 


Its the most wonderful time of the year
          It's a time for family and friends. I hope everyone is with the people they love, and are able to celebrate if even the smallest of gifts- life included. 
          This is Compelled second Christmas I believe and it warms my heart that you all stuck by Vazel for a year. Despite everything that might have happened throughout the year, I sincerely hope that you all can have a truly merry Christmas. Or just happy holidays in general.
          - Ambi