
If anyone's interested, I'm playing Town of Salem with a group of people. We have room for 7 more (we have 8 so far). So msg or reply back with your username so we can add you


To those who think they waste their time reading/writing fanfictions. Remember that I've just spent over 3-5 hours fixing up my library with books that I dont even read. And I have 2 accounts, each have a bit over 200 books. So I had to spend time reading the books and have to delete them manually (and deleting them are AWFUL)


If anyone's interested in my updates or small messages; just follow me on Quotev. Some days I'll talk for hours, and then next I'll be silent. I usually give out small sneakpeaks, and I do speak my mind a lot. But I'm only doing it on Quotev mostly because I feel a bit more comfortable on Quotev than Wattpad.