
Hello my Bookworms. This is a post that is long overdue. 
          	Let me start by saying sorry for kind of vanishing off the face of the earth for a while. Things in my personal life kinda hit an all time low and then I just lost the motivation to do my writing and I didn't want it to be downgraded or accidentally rush all my works into completion because that wouldn't be fair to you all. Not that me vanishing as any better- so let me kind of inform you of what happened that started me vanishing.
          	While me and my mother definitely have had our differences and difficulties I still do love her and I know that she loves me too. Well she got really sick, has been for a few months. She went from kind of okay to three days later getting carted to the hospital in an ambulance due to lung failure. So that in and of itself took a toll on me. Since then it's been getting worse, she went in for open lung surgery a few weeks ago to get wedges put in her lungs to keep them open and what was supposed to be two wedges in each lung turned into three as they found her one lower lung has completely stopped working. Bringing her to the diagnosis. She was diagnosised with pulmonary fibrosis in short her lungs are slowly going to stop working... And because they don't know what triggered it they can't attempt to treat her to slow down the inevitable. So life has been hectic to say in the least. 
          	That said I will be trying to pump out chapters again soon I just don't exactly know when. I love you guys, stay safe, keep healthy and don't forget that as long as I'm here you'll always have someone who is proud of you. 


@Ambrissa6294  take your time don't rush get your mental space better no one is rushing you


Yo!! I'm assuming wattpad deleted DMS and stuff lolol. Its Rosy, Rose, Blake, however you want to say it. How have you been? If you are willing to talk to me, my number has not changed and if you dont have it, my email is here. If not, just delete this and move on haha. I hope you've been alright. Kachow chat!!


@xnalBysoR ooooo hiiiii i miss talk with you, my number changed on WhatsApp but I'll send you a message ❤️


Hello my Bookworms. This is a post that is long overdue. 
          Let me start by saying sorry for kind of vanishing off the face of the earth for a while. Things in my personal life kinda hit an all time low and then I just lost the motivation to do my writing and I didn't want it to be downgraded or accidentally rush all my works into completion because that wouldn't be fair to you all. Not that me vanishing as any better- so let me kind of inform you of what happened that started me vanishing.
          While me and my mother definitely have had our differences and difficulties I still do love her and I know that she loves me too. Well she got really sick, has been for a few months. She went from kind of okay to three days later getting carted to the hospital in an ambulance due to lung failure. So that in and of itself took a toll on me. Since then it's been getting worse, she went in for open lung surgery a few weeks ago to get wedges put in her lungs to keep them open and what was supposed to be two wedges in each lung turned into three as they found her one lower lung has completely stopped working. Bringing her to the diagnosis. She was diagnosised with pulmonary fibrosis in short her lungs are slowly going to stop working... And because they don't know what triggered it they can't attempt to treat her to slow down the inevitable. So life has been hectic to say in the least. 
          That said I will be trying to pump out chapters again soon I just don't exactly know when. I love you guys, stay safe, keep healthy and don't forget that as long as I'm here you'll always have someone who is proud of you. 


@Ambrissa6294  take your time don't rush get your mental space better no one is rushing you


Hi, I just want to you ask about the book ,,New kind", what happened to it that disappeared?


Thanks for restoring the book.


Dont worry, i wait for this.


@ReiRedShimano ah I apologize I took it down to make a backup of it. I'll see about getting it back up and poster by the end of today. My apologies 


For you lovelies that need it or for those that haven't heard these words in a while
          Remember you are loved and that this is a safe space. If you want to message me privately or chat with from time to time I will put my Instagram in the comments and my email


@ReiRedShimano sorry the late response my fb is under my actual name, Trinity. 


@Ambrissa6294 Hey, You find me fb: ReiRedShimano or wattpad @ReiRedShimano. My native language is Polish, but English works too.  It will be nice to talk with you.


My email is 


this message may be offensive
Ya'll first I am sorry for going dead- My wifi is out so I am at the public library now that I have time. Second I got Omo back! I am sobbing and I can't even fully sob because I can't be loud... I am so fucking happy and mad because like I had started to rewrite it- I was 7 chapters into the rewrite. I feel sick with how happy I am and I literally can't stop shaking. I'm not okay rn for multiple reasons


@Micha1609 according to the message I got it was because it wasn't marked as mature, but im pretty sure I did since most if not all of my works involve touchy subjects 


@ Ambrissa6294  do you know why they put it down??


Hello Lovely Coffee and Espresso beans! 
          Have any of you used a site called FutureMe? It's a site that you can write a a note or letter to your future self, select how far in the future you want it sent and then give them your email and they'll send it out exactly on that day how ever many years ahead (or months) you set it for delivery. 
          I got one of my letters back today. It was sent last October on the 30th, and suffice to say, I cried. In six months a lot has happened and I have improved quite a sum. If you haven't heard of it or used it before, I recommend. It's a nice thing and it's really fun and pleasant to get the letter after so long. 


Hello my beautiful Coffee and Espresso beans! 
          I'm leaving this hear for anyone that needs some encouraging words 
          The barvest thing you can do is to ask for help. It's not giving up, rather it is the refusal to give up and you are just asking for reinforcement.
          You are doing great, you have survived. Someday you'll look back on these awful days and see that's you've grown and you'll be as proud of yourself as I am. Thank you for making it to today. Thank you for waking up. Thank you for breathing. Thank you. Here's a hug (/^^)/


Hello my lovely beans, have any of you gotten a survey from wattpad asking us our thoughts about their platform recently? I'd be more then happy to share the link for anyone wanting to give their two cents (^-^)


I’d be interested! I keep getting logged out so I don’t see notifications unless I log back in.