Despite my efforts, it's nearly impossible to keep up on my writing. I am essential personnel during this pandemic, and with my kids two weeks a month, I've hardly time to put my efforts into writing... but I am little by little working on and chipping away at my chapters.
I ask during this time of near-global self quarantine, mandatory stay-at-home, and state or government mandated near-martial-law that
1) you stay as safe as you possibly can.
2) you continue to eat as healthy as possible.
3) stay hydrated. Hydration is supremely important.
If you've time, please continue reading "BANE" as I've put a great deal of hard work into it. I have a separate copy already in editing through another program, but since this is my working draft, I'm going to keep at it best I can if only to keep my own sanity.
These are scary times for many people, and it's important to remember not to panic. Reflecting on a number of my previous employments, and what in my career has been outside of writing so far, I will tell you this: Panic only leads to injury or fatality.
Fear is healthy, and it will keep you alive. Panic is a response action, a reaction based on a lack of knowledge in what to do. So here's what you do. Remain calm. Ration your supplies so they last, and be mindful to steer clear of infection however it is possible until this crises passes.
I cherish you all, and appreciate your loyal readership these past many years, those who have only started reading now, those who are still reading, and those who read and have since discontinued their wattpad.
God bless and keep you, each and all. I'll be around, feel free to message me. So long as I'm breathing, I'll respond eventually.