
this message may be offensive
So I saw your art oh excuse me for my rudeness I forgot to say hello what's up you dumbass bitch oh wait maybe bitch isn't enough considering you're worse than a bitch perhaps anus? No that's too kind herpes? No not that oh oh how about cunt? WOW even that doesn't work you're worse than all of those things i can't figure out what to call you I could call you theif but you're worse than that liar? but that's not good enough wow you're that bad maybe you should help me out here 


this message may be offensive
you oversized preschooler, mother fucker. your art sucks like hell so please give up drawing. stop bitching and trying to hack people's account, you are not smart enough. do us all a favor and bleed like your mother's raging period, cunt.


Okay I don't know about you and diamonds but I don't have any art that she can steal so if you stop assuming things about people and stop at the hate could you be in a really huge jerk that's all I got to say


First of all not suicidal second of all f*** you third of all leave me the f*** alone you're the one who started this b******* and I'm going to be the one who ends it now shut the f****** leave me and everybody else alone and you won't have a problem so good day to you


@Jadesepticeye0604 I know you don't have friends. So don't worry. The cliff and a rope can be your friends.


Me and her are friends off of Wattpad explain that one b****oh wait you can't because you ain't got no friends and everybody hates you because you cannot make friend and stop with the effing drama I told you the f*** off so can you please do me a favor and do so


How is Ashley the art thief if her drawings were posted before yours?


Yeah ok "art" book.....I don't really care what I call it....


I found it through the art book she made