
Hello all! Seeing as my last post here was in 2022, it's safe to say time got away from me. I had to take a long break from writing but I am back! I am working on getting "The Weight of Change" finished up. I also have a new story in the works. Please go see the announcement I posted to TWOC for more detailed information. Missed you all and I'm ready to get back to work!Thanks for all you do :)


Hello all! Seeing as my last post here was in 2022, it's safe to say time got away from me. I had to take a long break from writing but I am back! I am working on getting "The Weight of Change" finished up. I also have a new story in the works. Please go see the announcement I posted to TWOC for more detailed information. Missed you all and I'm ready to get back to work!Thanks for all you do :)


Hello all! I realize it's been a while. Life has been well, hectic to say the least. The last time I checked my story I had less than 400 reads and now I'm almost at 1,000. Thank you to you to all of you who have read my story over these past few months. I am going to be working on updating and finishing "The Weight of Change" over the next couple of months. Please be patient as to I have school as well. Ill do my best to get new chapters soon. Thank you all again.


Hi all! I went home over the weekend so I am a little behind in writing. I am almost done with Chapter 5 and I hope to have Chapter Six done in the next couple of days. Tell your friends to come over and read "The Weight of Change"! I appreciate you all. Until next time ;)