
// Here in the Sunshine state, if you live in Tampa you are called a Tampan. Now say that aloud, and tell me what it sounds like.
          	(Lol I can already here my boyfriend saying, "IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU NEED JESUS!!" )


1p: Thanks for the follow ^-^


@xX-rxdioxctive-Xx Charlie was still held firmly in place behind Amelia. Her brown eyes looked pleading.
            Amelia nodded. "She may technically be, like, 200 somethin', but at least you won't harm my little girl."
            Charlie wiggled out from her grasp, now seemingly angered. "I'm not your little girl! And nobody even cared, but I turned 19 a couple days ago! So, now if you don't mind, I have some confidential work to do." She huffed and walked away, pulling her white top down.


@xX-rxdioxctive-Xx Charlie's blush subsided slightly. "You are? But, I mean-"
            Amelia pushed Charlie behind her. She pointed a finger at Feodor. "Now listen, young man. You treat her nice, and I swear to God, if you get her pregnant before marriage...."
            Charlie turned fifty shades of red from behind her 'protector'.


“Thank you for the follow!” The blonde girl smiled happily, waving with a cheerful gleam in her blue eyes.


@gcldenheart Charlie waves back. "Sure thing."
             Amelia gives a show-stopping smile. "Of course, dudette."


@FlyingMxntBunny The two smiled down. Amelia chuckled. "Of course, little dude. Want some McDonalds or something?"