So a little bit ago I did write a whole thing saying I was keeping the stories up after all, but I'm just going back and forth. I felt very unsure of what to do. On one hand, I worked hard on these books. I worked day and night on them. Even just in the car I'd sit on my phone typing away. But on the other hand, all of these books were written in the darkest moments of my life and I don't think I can handle knowing they're still here. It's just a bad reminder to a bad time in my life where I was falling apart and felt detached from everything. I don't like having those reminders, even if the stories have nothing to do with them. I just don't want them up anymore. And I'm sorry about that. I hope all of you can understand my reasoning behind it. By tonight they will all be gone. If you want to save them on a Google Doc or something like that, feel free to. But I just ask don't publically share them. Just keep them as personal copies. But tonight they will be gone around 10-11ish PM (I live on the east coast of America). I'm really, really sorry.