Hi other account, see if you can post this for the scp rp
Item number: 100
Name: 'Dex' or 'The Prince of Poison'
Gender: male
Object class: Thaumiel
Species: Demon
Found at: Chernobyl after the nuclear plant exploded
Abilities: Can produce all types of acid, poisons and venom. He can fly with his insect-like wings, is immortal
Weakness: Wings are incredibly fragile and he cannot stand the colour yellow.
Special containment procedures:Kepy in a room with green walls and a bed in one corner. No yellow things are allowed in his room and he is not allowed to visit any places with any signs of yellow. Three guards with level 4 clearance has to be present when he is on a patrol.
Can speak and is chatty.
Voice: Low with a Russian accent. Can speak 10 languages fluently.
Personality: Extremely chatty, will not hesitate to throw you through a wall if you insult him, the colour green or sprite. In the event of a containment breach he will quickly and efficiently recapture other scps. Sometimes gets lost in bloodlust and will revert back to normal if you give him 3 litres of sprite.
Is surprisingly innocent.
Crush: "Crush? Why would I need to crush someone?"
Likes: American politics, sprite, the colour green, bacon, Dr Bright, Russian nesting dolls and horror movies
Dislikes: the colour yellow, scp 173, Dr Clef, cola