Wow. Hello. Hi, it's been a while, hasn't it? Almost 3 years??
Growing up I was glued to this app, reading every waking second. When I got the courage and the inspiration to start writing my own books, I basically came alive. To this day, writing is still a strong passion of mine... I just put that passion in attempting to write true original works and not finishing the books on this app.
I remember as a child I could NEVER understand how a writer could get so far into a book and then just... abandon it. I promised myself I would never be that person; I would never do that to my readers... yet I did.
I wrote these books and then abandoned them, left you guys on cliffhangers for years. I know in the grand scale of life, my books don't seem that significant, but I know they're popular. I know I've disappointed some of you by not completing them. Hell, I've disappointed myself by leaving how I did. We all deserved better than that.
I'm going to warn you all, I do not have my notes or my outlines for these books. I remember the direction I was going towards but not much else.
My plan is to write at least 1 more chapter for books "Alvina" and "Queen of King's". I will NOT half ass these chapter. They will be LONG, and I will tie everything together giving everyone the closure they need.
You all have been patient this far, I'm asking you to bear with me a little bit longer.
There will be plot holes, I'm not going to pretend I remember everything about my books. I will do my best to make these a satisfying ending filled with love, laughs and happy endings.
I want to thank you all for the love and support you've given me all these years. I hope I don't let you down again and I can produce work that you all will love to read.
Be on the lookout for some final updates, I cannot wait to hear from you guys again!