Okay, I need to address this. As a huge feminist, this topic is one that hits different; so today (in honor of my story, A Bushel of Lies, which is totally a tale of feminism), I want to tell you guys some comebacks against sexist men, sexism we let fly and don't even realize it's sexism, sexist things we don't even realize are happening, and the real definition of feminism. This is gonna be a two part series, so see my earlier anoncment for more info.
The Simplest Definition of Feminism:
Wanting females and males to be 100% equal. Wanting to stop female harassment.
If anyone says they want females to be better than males, that is not feminism. That's sexism, just in a different form.
- If any males say to you (or any female for this matter!), "You are so moody on your period," hit them with this response:
You: "Do you know what makes a woman moody on her period?"
And the sexist male, of course, will not know.
You: "High testosterone levels. That means a woman being grumpy on her period is the same as a male every single day."
BOOM! Mic drop.
- If any sexist males (because we as women never seem to run out of them) say to you; "Go back into the kitchen and make me a sandwich, I want it to be like in the 1950s when women knew their place," respond with this:
Response: "If we go make to the 1950s and make me do a 'woman's role,' you have to do a man's role. You have to work 24-seven, earn tons of money and not only get a life for yourself but for your children and wife. If I do a woman's role, you better earn me an amazing salary."
Part Two Coming Up! Just Scroll Above!