this message may be offensive
to people who's saying that she, mr
farrington, ms hayfer are still alive, here's
Mrs. McKlay, Mr. Farrington and Ms
Hayfer drink a magical unicorn potion
from Sunshine Landia and one of Foo Foo
Cuddly Poops' friends must have made it
and gave it to Foo Foo Cuddly Poops who
gave it to Fee Fee Fuzzy Poops who prob-
ably gave it to his or her son named Flufif
Fluff Furry Poops who probably gave it
back to Foo Foo Cuddly Poops and magi-
cally gave it to Reese who probably gave it
to Summer-Storm who poured it into Mrs
McKlay, Mr. Farrington and Ms. Hayfer's
drinks and Summer-Storm probably said
some witch shit words and ta-dah