Dearest Luvie, Aku hiatus dulu ya. Harusnya aku update ya gak sih, maaf ya beloved shiners. Aku dapat pekerjaan baru, yg full menguras waktu. Aku ga sempat nulis, dan kalau nulis pun aku ga mau ngasal buat yg penting mature content lalu up. No, it's not me. Aku harap kalian memaklumi hal ini, i have no choice. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ But if u want to know, I'm soooo muchh grateful receive all of ur support, vote, comments. It's still warming and fluttering my heart ♡(> ਊ <)♡ Thank you luvie, Let's meet when i'm ready to give u another of my best work. And yeah, don't wait me (。•́︿•̀。) Huge love for u all ( ˘ ³˘)♡♡ Best Regards, Amethyst Shin୧(^ 〰 ^)୨

@ Amethystshin iyaaa kita nungguin kakak updt tpi klo dunia real btuh perhtian kakak..kita mndkung dn sllu suport kok..asal kk ingt kita disni sllu nungguin kakka