
I’m currently self isolating from COVID-19. Anyone fancy roleplaying?


@AmiWardi Would you like to rp?


Happy Late Halloween! I have a few things to say:
          1) People who read these (thanks) and som others will know I have been inactive with flu. Like BAD flu. I’m better now, I guess, so I’m back?
          2) Dewfur’s Spirit Chapter 4 should hopefully be up by 1:30pm GMT tomorrow! Thanks for the 150+ reads by the way and thanks to @Blazing_Flaemz for your excitement xD
          3) My warriors roleplay is being deleted. Sorry to the few people who joined, (thanks!) but I’ve realised a roleplay takes a lot of time and energy, simply things I do not have!
          That’s it! Again, happy late Halloween!


@AmiWardi its okay!! get well soon <3


@AmiWardi  it's fine that you're deleting the rp, I'm just glad you feel better!