
Been gone for some time but am back. Expect updates on my books. Thankful to alk my readers for your patience I appreciate!


Hey there Jamila!
          Thank you so much for voting on my story, 'The Plantation Princess '. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks again for your support. Please check out some of my other titles. And as always stay blessed and be safe  ❤ 
          Bronwyn ❣ 


@Burkesrules it was an absolute pleasure reading your book. Stay blessed. Stay safe.


We live and we breath but who can say we truly live?
          How come someone feels they have the right to dictate a life you don't even know you live as you should?
          Life to some will be fair but mean and distasteful to others but we must hope that there is an uphill after a slope right?
          Take pleasure in the smallest pleasure you can because you can. 
          Open yourself to it and then when it's over, you can go back to your protective cocoon.
          You need it just as life needs sun nd water least it dies.