
Chapter 16 is up! Check it out if you haven't done so! You won't want to miss this!


Hello and Happy New Year! Chapter 15 is now up for your reading pleasure! My aim was for a Christmas upload, but had to make some major changes. I will say this though:  the next chapter is done, but because I want to deliver quality work, it still needs to be edited which takes a lot of my time. I hope to upload that within the next week or so. Thank you guys for being extreeeemmmly patient with my upload schedule. This year, if there are no major life-altering events, I aim to upload at least twice a month, so stay tuned! Here's to a new year and new beginnings! XOXO
          - ACR  ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ


Hi all. I know I've been a bit inactive but currently, things weren't going well IRL and it's still that way. So much so that I wasn't too motivated to write at all. That doesn't mean the stories will remain unfinished. It means I'm slowly getting back into it and finding ways to reignite that passion.  And just the comments I've read coming back did spark something.  
          I'm working on "Extended Family" rn, as that story is fresher in my mind than "How little you care".  (Though this one, I have to iron out some details and maybe change some things around.) I can't say when I'll post or if I can provide a preview as I did before but what I can say is that I will strive to get these finished.   <( _ _ )>
          Either way, I wanna thank those who are patiently waiting for an update or better yet, a new chapter. I'm glad these stories have impacted many of you in a way and keep you guys asking for more. I'm truly grateful! 
          I'll be back, this time not without a new chapter. Stay tuned! XOXO!
          -ACR  (⌐■_■)


@Amil-CheriRevel Omg thank you!!!! And I’m rly sorry for whatever you’re going through! I hope it gets better and we see what happens with Mia and Zachary!!!!


Hello, I don’t leave comments often but I feel like I must tell you that I see a lot of potential in your writing. You have avoided using cliche plots so far and have created stories that I want to read more of. The characters you create are quite good and you flesh them out very well, nothings to in your face which is a common mistake by authors that you have avoided. I really hope you continue to write ( especially that one story in your oneshots with Mia)


@okminer07 Hi Sorry for the late response! As you can note, I'm not on as often and am a slow uploader! But thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful comment! And I really appreciate the feedback! I hope you can see some realism even if it's fiction! I'm working on more, and am trying to stick to a schedule but I don't see that happening anytime soon be on the lookout for updates as they come!! 
            Take care and happy holidays!!  o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ