OMG!! Thank you so much for the dedication on Saving 0.3! You have no idea how much that means to me! I am freaking out right now just as some people would if they were meeting a celebrity XD Thank you so much! You are an amazing person and an amazing writer as well. I can't even imagine my life on wattpad without and you and your amazing stories. I'm trying to write a story on my account if you didn't see and it's pretty hard. I don't know how you do it but you make it look so easy! :D I was thinking maybe you could give me some advice on how to improve my writing and story. Also if you wanted to I was thinking maybe we could write a story together which would be amazing! You are my biggest inspiration and i'm hoping you will write back to me. <3 Thank you again for the dedication and I thank you for writing this wonderful story! You are awesome and I love your writing!!

When are you going to post a new chapter or Saving (a.k.a. Identities)? I love your story

No problem. You are my favorite author on wattpad. I remember when you write identities and you dedicated a chapter to me

Haha thanks :) I'm working really hard on the story right now since I am currently rewriting it. If you're curious, it still has the same plot and characters but I'm just changing it a bit since I started the story many years ago. I think I'll be able to get an update in soon (a week or so) but I have lots of homework so it'll take some time. Thanks for sticking with me :)