
Be kind, it's free, you never know what's going on inside someone's heart.


Mmmm lot of things "happening" in jendragon world... what do you think? 


@ LucianSoo4  literal, con otros artistas han negando cosas como recientemente con Jisoo y el futbolista pero no se dignan a aclarar nada cuando se trata de Jennie 


@AmndLl  well..My opinion when Jennie andd gd wore the rings at the airport and then gd was posting hints about jennie on his insta story was like'Yeah the ship is sailing' i was sooo happy but when news broke out about gd parivar account unfollowing jennie i was like - ' He wants to say that out of Blackpink jennie is the one i like or uk the odd one out like she is the one' but Reading others thinking they broke up my heart sank! Then the V and Jennie news was out which I knew was a teqnique to cover up garam scandal...But now gd deleting Jennie photos from his private account....It broke my heart.. but then again I will support them both no matter they r together or not! They both deserve happiness and I'm happy if they r happy
            But my jendragon heart Is hurting so bad I hope everything goes well....


@LucianSoo4 Can someone please translate it to English
            I really wanna know other's opinion....


Hey author
          I have To tell u this!
          I am a Jendragon shipper too!❤️
          And recently I found out that when Jennie was Leaving airport she wore ring in her Finger in which we wear when we get married
          And jiyong also wore the same ring in the same finger while leaving for airport I'm cryinggggggg I can't believe this happened!
          Can u post an update on this!plsssss I beg UUUU
          Also for reference u can check 
          This insta account - jendragon.story
          I beg u for an update plsss


@AmndLl Thanku for considering 


@ Ygkpoppers  Thank you for reading my story, and for the recommendation of that IG account 
            For now I don't have any new update, maybe in the future I will create one 


I wish something happens so I can write more about my idol my muse but honestly I don't have idea lol, both GD and Jennie are in hiatus 


@AmndLl Hey author
            I have To tell u this!
            I am a Jendragon shipper too!❤️
            And recently I found out that when Jennie was Leaving airport she wore ring in her Finger in which we wear when we get married
            And jiyong also wore the same ring in the same finger while leaving for airport I'm cryinggggggg I can't believe this happened!
            Can u post an update on this!plsssss I beg UUUU
            Also for reference u can check 
            This insta account - jendragon.story
            I beg u for an update plsss


@AmndLl please write more about jendragon i really like your book my idol my muse


Hola a todos! Me paso por aquí para dejaros aquí el primer capítulo de mi primera historia. La primera de la trilogía que estoy terminando de escribir. Me encantaría tener varias opiniones y que llegase lejos, debido a todo el trabajo que hay detrás.
          Quiero deciros también que está acabado el 2º libro y estoy a punto de terminar el 3º y último.
