This is the first announcement I've made in a while, and I'm just going to get straight to the point. I've been writing a lot more poetry lately. Don't know exactly why, but I simply find I'm often in a poetry mood. I have a series of poems that I will be posting, and they all tell part of a story. That's part of the reason I like poetry. It gives me an opportunity to use a lot of imagery and I can write more abstractly than I normally do. And trust me, I love me some metaphors. Now, I don't write poems just to write poems. Each poem I write has a meaning to it that I want to convey. It's not just flowery writing for the sake of sounding way more sophisticated than I actually am. I can convey a message in a meaningful way, and still leave the whole thing open to interpretation. That way, everybody takes away something different from a poem.
For example, the poem "Home Again" has had many, many different interpretations. I love hearing how people interpret my poems, to hear what message they saw in it. I get to see my poem in a whole different perspective.
So, don't be shy, feel free to drop a comment or two. I appreciate feedback, and I take criticism into consideration too. I also like simply hearing what you think about what you read. And if you've got something you'd like me to read, feel free to tell me. I'd be happy to.