
Despite the fact that I'm not around as often as before some people out there are still reading my story, seeing this is an incredible feeling.  As Rowling says: "No story lives unless someone wants to listen." You keep this story alive. It's been 3 years and you are still lingering around and reading my story. Thank you all so much.


Despite the fact that I'm not around as often as before some people out there are still reading my story, seeing this is an incredible feeling.  As Rowling says: "No story lives unless someone wants to listen." You keep this story alive. It's been 3 years and you are still lingering around and reading my story. Thank you all so much.


Hey there everyone! I haven't been around for months I guess. I'm really sad for this disconnection but high school is way too busy and the truth is my inspiration kinda ran dry. I just..can't right. But I must admit I'm right now speechless because ATYL hit 10.094 reads while I was away. Thank you everyone for reading! And sorry for the chapter I didn't upload. Inspirational problems...
          Stay loved everyone 
          Amortentia :)


Hey Everyone! I'm back after a loooooong break. Sorry for not uploading the special chapter on time :( Exams have been killing me these days and high-school. Once I reach 9000 reads I'll upload the chapter for real. I love you all so much :) 
          Saumya..sorry for not writing to you for a long time, life has been crazy these days, i've got so much left to say. Hope everything's fine :) love you :) 
          -Amortentia :)