Guys, real talk here.
I have school and work, chores and homework, so I deeply apologize if I miss any Roleplay or I’m not on as often. Work is beating me to exhaustion and while I can quit, my mom would be highly disappointed in me. I have a 57 in world history, and just barely maintaining a B- in my other classes. I will appoint co leaders for my public role plays and if it helps, I will post status updates on here, but I need to rest. My break starts this Friday, and other than work, it will still be parties and chores and sleeping in, catching up on what I missed. Please understand that I’m not ignoring any of you, it’s just that I’m too exhausted to get out of bed in the morning. Emotional, physical, and mental stress is eating me up and I’m trying to stay afloat while also studying for my driver’s permit because my mother commands me to.
Sincerely, Amu. I might even do a diary here, who knows?