
New chapter of My (Not So) Charmed Life is up! Leave a vote or a comment to let me know how you liked it! The book is coming to an end in the next two or three chapters, so motivate me to upload as fast as I can by leaving me some feedback! Thanks for sticking with me xx - Amy


New chapter of My (Not So) Charmed Life is up! Leave a vote or a comment to let me know how you liked it! The book is coming to an end in the next two or three chapters, so motivate me to upload as fast as I can by leaving me some feedback! Thanks for sticking with me xx - Amy


Hey guys! 
          So, unfortunately, my computer's hard drive has died on me, and my computer is being fixed. Until I get my files back, I won't be able to update much, which sucks.
          In the meantime, please vote and comment to show your support while we get My (Not So) Charmed Life back on track! Love you guys! xx - Amy


New chapter of My (Not So) Charmed Life! Check it out! 
          Also, if you are interested in having a chapter dedicated to you, let me know by leaving me a comment telling me what your favorite part of the chapter was. I always enjoy having feedback and seeing what you guys liked about the writing/plot/characters.
          We're almost at 7,000 reads and I'm so excited! Let's see if we can get there before tomorrow! Each read counts!
          See you soon! xx


Everyone check out the brand new chapter of My (Not So) Charmed Life!! I know that I've been pretty MIA lately, but this was sort of a holiday gift to all of you - forcing myself to put my other stuff on the side and actually bang out a new chapter for this story. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things, which means more chapters for you guys! Remember to leave a favorite or a comment (or both *wink wink*) if you liked it! Love you all and happy holidays everyone!


Hi guys! I know that it's been a while since I last uploaded, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to make it clear that while I'm not putting MNSCL on hold, I probably won't be uploading this week. I experienced a death in my family this week and I'm not in the right headspace to be writing at the moment. If I can upload soon, I will, but please be understanding. Thank you and I love you all!
          Xx Amy


I'm sorry..hope you all get better


Hey everyone! Sorry for being so MIA all week! It's currently midterm week at school and today is the last day before Spring Break, which means more time for writing and less time studying and writing papers! Expect an update sometime either tonight or tomorrow :)
          Love you all xx