
Hellooo my people! Chapter 12 of TEP is up! Also, I'm hoping to publish the prologue and first chapter of my second book pretty soon, which is entirely different to TEP, and I'm very much looking forward to it :)


Chapter 11 is up! Sorry it was a bit slow this update x
          Big thanks to Morgan once again- I gave him the outline for the chapter and he wrote most of it! I've done lots of editing on it as we have quite (read: completely) different writing styles, so it's somewhere in between now, and is hopefully still pretty consistent with the rest of the book, but still, he deserves most of the credit for this one :)


Chapter 8 of The Exiled Princess is up! Next chapter (hopefully) will be published tomorrow evening, 8-ish. Although, looking at my demographic map today, I realised that when I use timeframes, they're almost useless, because more of my readers are from the other side of the world than in my country! So that's pretty cool. So, for reference, 8pm tomorrow means 7AM Thursday morning for the readers in New Zealand, 3AM Thursday for the people in the Philippines, and 3PM Wednesday for the reader in the Dominican Republic! And as for my US readers, your country is wayyy too big for me to give you any accurate time, but it'll be early afternoon too I guess. Anyway, it won't be long, and seriously guys, I'd love to talk to all of you, so drop me a message or comment sometime :)


@Simply_Be_You thanks for that, I'd never have known


@AmyWells1 I'm from england!!


My overhaul on TEP has started TODAY! I've rewritten the first half of chapter 1, because I couldn't resist, and hopefully will follow that with a chapter per day until I'm caught up to what is already published. Once we get there, the new chapters will be released, probably on a weekly basis.
          I started writing this book probably around 8 months ago now, and I didn't realise how much I've improved in my writing since then up until when I reread chapter one today. I cringed. So, everything is getting editing, and then you'll get brand new sparkling updates from chapter 17 onwards, yay!
          Many thanks to all my readers, and feel free to say hello :)
          Amy x