
Ok well, I don't really post unless its necessary but this is one is to spread awareness. 
          	A 15 year old boy in Kerela (India) committed suicide. Why? He was being bullied for his dark complexion. His bullies made him lick toilet seats, dumped his head in the toilet and flushed etc etc horrible things. When they got to know he killed himself, they said "f*** n***** actually died".
          	Idk how many of you know but since Wattpad is used by teen (mostly) I wanted to share this. 
          	The only question i want to ask. 
          	Is this actually what our generation is? 
          	Do we actually think bullying is cool? Are we that sadistic?
          	I feel ashamed to be called a Gen Z. 
          	This is not how it was supposed to be. And what about the ppl around him? Were they blind? Are we that weak that we can't help someone who is getting bullied? 
          	And the boy, well he couldn't say any of these to his parents. And maybe many ppl agree to it because maybe he did not want his parents to this he is 'weak' or 'pathetic' that he couldn't save himself. 
          	Or maybe he didn't have that comfort zone with his parents. 
          	Whatever happened shouldn't have happened. Again bullying or ragging isn't cool. It can cost someone's dear life and no matter what is your skin colour or whatever religion, cast you belong to, at the end everyone is a human. There is lack of humanity in the world.


@Amy_709 Bulling is not cool. And i will not let ANYONE around be get bullied. I feel so sorry for the boy. I hope his soul finds peace.


Ok well, I don't really post unless its necessary but this is one is to spread awareness. 
          A 15 year old boy in Kerela (India) committed suicide. Why? He was being bullied for his dark complexion. His bullies made him lick toilet seats, dumped his head in the toilet and flushed etc etc horrible things. When they got to know he killed himself, they said "f*** n***** actually died".
          Idk how many of you know but since Wattpad is used by teen (mostly) I wanted to share this. 
          The only question i want to ask. 
          Is this actually what our generation is? 
          Do we actually think bullying is cool? Are we that sadistic?
          I feel ashamed to be called a Gen Z. 
          This is not how it was supposed to be. And what about the ppl around him? Were they blind? Are we that weak that we can't help someone who is getting bullied? 
          And the boy, well he couldn't say any of these to his parents. And maybe many ppl agree to it because maybe he did not want his parents to this he is 'weak' or 'pathetic' that he couldn't save himself. 
          Or maybe he didn't have that comfort zone with his parents. 
          Whatever happened shouldn't have happened. Again bullying or ragging isn't cool. It can cost someone's dear life and no matter what is your skin colour or whatever religion, cast you belong to, at the end everyone is a human. There is lack of humanity in the world.


@Amy_709 Bulling is not cool. And i will not let ANYONE around be get bullied. I feel so sorry for the boy. I hope his soul finds peace.


          Hello my dear inspiration,
          I just wanted to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU for your constant support and encouragement! Your kindness and motivation have truly meant so much to me throughout my writing journey. 
          I also wanted to share some exciting news—I just hit 50 followers on Wattpad!  I couldn’t have done it without the inspiration and support from amazing people like you. Your words and guidance have kept me going, and I’m so grateful to have you as part of this journey.
          Looking forward to reading more of your amazing work and continuing to grow together! ✨
          Much love,


My boards are just at the edge TT
          But I will be free after 20th or 21st March so after that imma be back on the track i promise cus I will have the longest vacation after my boards.
          So byeeeee ♡
          (Please don't curse me TT and pray for me please)


@Amy_709 my board practicals are also going to start from 5th feb...Well all the best for your exam may u get the best...


Hello my favorite author 
          I am here to thank you for inspiring me by your fantastic stories (killer brother) is one of my favorite i have recommended it to my many friends and trust me they have loved it so much...
          I also wanted to write some story so i have written but not sure if is gonna work or not so i want your help, will u ?(sweet author), please guide me by providing some tips on writing and will u and your readers please support me on my journey...

          hoping for your reply my dear Amy....
          your follower


Thank u soooo muchhhh sweet heart for your encouragement, I am glad that u liked it and yes sure i will keep you advice in mind while writing further.. 
            Shubhanssi Pathak (aka S.Pathak09)


@SPathak09 I read the description and the 2 parts you published. According to me you did a real great job like the story line seems interesting and catchy. The choice of words are brilliant too. 
            I just wanted to say that if you use a more simple language that would be a lot better for readers. Cus according to me ppl like it simple and interesting. So please use a bit simple language. 
            Other than that I am sure it's all good up till now dw and keep going. 
            I am really happy and a bit astonished that I inspired you. But thank you so much for your kind words. Looking forward for part 1. 
            You are doing great bro/sis 


uhm.. thanks for following.. i think? ^^


@Amy_709 ohh.. high school is still my.. worst time of life hmm


@JungkookieGukk i am in high school ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


@Amy_709 ofc i had to.. care bout others feelings too.. uhm i dunno if youre older either 


You are beautiful the way you are; no matter what people say,
          Even if you think you aren't worth of livin' anymore, just remember your one smile brightens my day.
          And even though the world is not the best place to stay,
          Your strong self passed yet another day.
          Please don't go hard on yourself,
          Please don't let your precious tears fall for somebody else.
          You aren't even near to be called as someone 'pathetic',
          You are just someone who needs people to be sympathetic.
          Please don't think you are not meant to be cared or to be loved,
          You are just a child who needs to be tightly hugged.
          I don't know what you are going through and I won't be sugar coating but it's true that you are strong enough to come this far.
          So please think of yourself as someone worthy and precious cus you ARE precious and deserves to be cherished.
          So since it's winter, please don't be harsh to yourself :)) if you wanna talk, add me on discord : @amy__709_44766
          And I maybe will Update TKIOB. My pre-boards are close so I need to prepare for them and because of this it's been hard to update but I will try be best to update TKIOB ♡


@Amy_709 all the best di for your prelims. 


Hi Amy,(I hope you're comfortable cuz am taking your name)
          I hope you're doing well also thank you for voting on my book and I hope you enjoyed it,but can you please update:The killer is our brother soon... You may take your time but I hope you will be able to update fast you know I can't be patient I read it for almost 5 times till now and currently waiting for an update.....
          I hope you understand not forcing you or something you may take your time also please recommend some stories to me as well lol..
          Thank you for reading this..
          Take care <3


@MuffinWrites19 helooo and dw i dont mind you taking my namee. I will update soonishh


I published all the 6 chapters to avoid confusion, so please read all of those!!! I tried my besttt, do comment how it iss... I will update soonnnishh:))))


@Amy_709 Yes I did ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡


@Ryujin1297 thannkk youu I hope you liked itttt


@Amy_709 I am the first one to vote 