Everyone let's be honest we deserve what happened 17 years ago today, we really did. People wanna say we didn't but we did. We killed people from different countries just because of what happened in 2001. I'm surprised that when WE go to different countries that they treat us the way Americans treat immigrants. It's just not right. Blacks,Mexicans,Muslims, and many others are discriminated just because they are not white, to this day Mexicans are being treated as slaves. It's the same thing with LGBTQ+ my aunt is lesbian and got fired from her job just because of it. I now see why North Korea wanted to bomb us, i'll be honest that 'treaty' that Kim Jong Un signed, I really don't think he's going follow on it. I mean he has good reasons not to, we deserve it. Don't @ me because we all know it's true and we honestly can't deny it.