
Bruh... I'm obsessed with the BTS photos of Adam Driver and Lady Gaga.  
          	Like, it's becoming a problem. 


Thank you so much for adding Desires and Dreams to your list Love!


@alexab2986 No problem. Saw you mention it on a tiktok comment and I was like "oh geez, haven't heard of that one, I better go find it" haha look forward to reading! Charlie Barber is just *chef's kiss* so I gotta read all the fanfics. 


Hi, Just wanted to let you know that i appreciate you and your work. I think your stories are the best I've read in a long time. I support you and all you do. Hope your having a good day. Happy holidays.


@Silverdocter Aww thank you so much! I appreciate that! I hope you are having a great day and happy holidays as well! = )


this message may be offensive
Gosh, I am frustrated.  I have been struggling on a chapter for WEEKS... Writing, reading it, hating it, moving paragraphs around, deleting sections, re-reading, hating it, re-writing sections.... 
          I finally just deleted it.  Fuck that chapter.  Fuck being a perfectionist.  Fuck it all.


Okay, I published Chapter 3 of my Johnlock.  I was kind of sitting on it while I typed up a little more of the next few chapters. I did make a few changes tonight before I published it, that I think enhanced the chapter, so I am glad I waited.
          I have 3 more partially typed chapters, but it may take me a bit to get another update (which is why I waited a bit to publish Chapter 3) out because...well...when I was going over my plot, I discovered several holes or things that didn't really make sense, so I need to get all of that figured out.  
          Thankfully, I'm not so far into it that I can't make major changes if needed. Sherlock and John will definitely be more involved in the case these next few chapters... so I want to make sure I have a good game plan.
          Idk why I'm saying all this... Hahah. = )


Can you all do me a favor?  Check out these two awesome, but not super known musicial artists:
          1.  Von Sell
          2.  Flawed Mangoes
          I think they are amazing...  Obviously they won't be everyone's cup of tea, but if I lead someone to discover them (and love them)... that would make me happy.