What if like Peitro come back for y/n and they go to Scotland with Wanda and vision
Steve is the only one who knows and him and Y/n and have a burner phone they keep in touch with
And tony helps y/n before she leaves by getting her (uou know the orange and grey jumpsuit he wears in the beginning on inFinity war that turns into his suit) one those suits but the orange is pink so that night when they walk vision she wears kn and haves it ( this is just random but I have always loved the idea of having one like it and tony bonding with her) they all catch up Bucky and Y/n reunite. (Y/n learns to sword fight as a use full hobby in Scotland) they go out to fight y/n and Steve fight thanos then the whole cool women scene happens and y/n is the one who has to get the gontlet to the van so she whittled for peiteo blah blah blah you decided
Then Pietro gets distend y/n just doesn’t talk to anyone as she is sad blah blah blah you can figure out the rest
I thought I would give this too you privately just As a response to your recent update
Can’t wait
Honestly I absolutely love those ideas and I’ll definitely be using them I could see these ideas coming together to make a really amazing second part to this story