
I like the Franklin episode "Franklin and the Copycat", I first watched it when I was new to art and all I originally took from it was how to draw sunset clouds but now I understand the lesson: copying is how we learn, but it's important to give credit when you copy someone's art


I like the Franklin episode "Franklin and the Copycat", I first watched it when I was new to art and all I originally took from it was how to draw sunset clouds but now I understand the lesson: copying is how we learn, but it's important to give credit when you copy someone's art


I've got three problems without solutions and one problem with a solution
          (and the last one is that nobody is specific about what they like about my art while they are specific about what they like about a certain person who I won't name who "makes" AI "art" and the solution is to ask for specifics when they compliment my art)


my Harry Potter phase faded, my Marauders phase faded, I was like "I'll just take a break from it all" and I did. and I was thinking that I'm just gonna take a year long break and get back to it in 2026-
          and then it suddenly came back and now I am once again obsessing over the Marauders era


if Disney wants to make more money off their old movies, they could just re-release their old movies to theaters instead of remaking them. they used to do that, and I'm sure lots of people would love to watch the originals in theaters, especially those who didn't get a chance back in the day.


ok apparently I spelled theatre wrong


what's up with characters who are secretly impersonating their twin and making everyone think the other twin (who's actually them) is dead (for example: Stanley Pines who faked his own death and lived as Stanford for years)
          my second example would be spoilery for me to even reveal the name of because most watchers probably don't know yet that there even is a secret twin
          if I had a nickel for every time I've gotten spoilers for a twin reveal before deciding to watch a show, I'd have two nickels


I think I figured out at least one part of why I haven't finished any of my projects. because when I finish something I tend to feel empty, like: now what? what do I spend my time on now that I'm not devoting most of my day to the thing?
          the obvious answer is work on all my other projects when I've finished one, then when I'm done all my projects just start a new one, but that doesn't stop me from feeling hollow. what if one day I run out of project ideas? what'll I devote my time to then?
          well, hopefully by then I'll have a family. then I can devote my time to raising my children. but when they're all grown up, what then?
          I just don't know what to do with myself if I'm not constantly working on something, whether that's finishing reading or watching a series or writing or drawing something.
          I don't really like to think that far ahead into the future, it's hard to see a future where I'm not still working on my stuff.
          anyway, feel free to ignore my philosophical rambling. I'm just going to try to be less afraid of finishing things now that I know this is what's been holding me back.
          also, I guess I probably won't ever run out of things to watch or read. humans are constantly creating.
          please don't let this give you an existential crisis


besides that, I doubt warrior cats will ever end either, so my rewrite will never be complete. I'll always have that to work on.


delaying writing my Ninjago fanfiction because I remembered I have way too many other projects so it doesn't matter at the moment whether anyone cares to read it anyway. still going to write it eventually but for now all I'll do is occasionally take notes of how certain episodes would change if Lloyd was still a child. if, in the years to come, anyone wants me to post it, I might have at least a chapter written by then