Reading Lists
Hello everyone, I’m back for a bit. I have finals, cried, had crazy acne break out, and was depressed but I thought of something. I 100% belive that Lena is actually a slytherin and not Ravenclaw because while she is smart she’s even more ambitious. Rory would be hufflpuff since she’s extremely loyal and even though sometimes she needs help she’s very good at finding things. Chase would of course be Griffindor as above all else he’s brave and willing to fight for his friends and what he believes in.
@AnAdvidBookWorm didn’t see this before cuz I’m shit at checking announcements
Noo why'd u take down OCAC?? :(
Heyy What's with the black pfp? U ok?
@PersassyIsNumber1 I’m fine. I changed it a while ago and hadn’t changed it to anything else yet.
QueenFamily ❤️❤️❤️ RnoomaQueen❤️❤️❤️❤️ We all face moments of darkness when nothing is going our way, we feel lost and become hopeless. Just remember, darkness is not real. As soon as you turn on the light, darkness will go away. Darkness is an absence of light. Light is not the absence of darkness. You are light “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”✨ — If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt In Learning". — End is not the end, in fact E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies". — If you get NO as an answer, remember N.O. means "Next Opportunity". Start thinking about all the possibilities and goodness around you. Start speaking with kindness and optimism. Starting acting on your ideas and inspiration. Start feeding your feelings of love, joy, and gratitude. Then see for yourself how powerful manifestation is. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” Just dream big. Go for it. Nothing is holding you back. You can have ups and downs, but if you believe in something, keep the faith; keep fighting. And don't let people put you down. If you feel stuck in your life right now, listen, my love, you won't always be here, I promise. I know you're tired but things will change for the better like they always have. You'll dream again, you'll love again, and you'll be happy again. Life takes some time before it becomes kind, and you must give it that. In the meantime, do not hesitate to hope for a better tomorrow, because you will see it; you deserve to.
Hello everyone, I’m back for a bit. I have finals, cried, had crazy acne break out, and was depressed but I thought of something. I 100% belive that Lena is actually a slytherin and not Ravenclaw because while she is smart she’s even more ambitious. Rory would be hufflpuff since she’s extremely loyal and even though sometimes she needs help she’s very good at finding things. Chase would of course be Griffindor as above all else he’s brave and willing to fight for his friends and what he believes in.
@AnAdvidBookWorm didn’t see this before cuz I’m shit at checking announcements
✨Two Memes cause Y not✨ *at the end of ‘Of Witches & Wind’* Lena: Are you sure about this Chase, you've never really experienced the world outside EAS. Chase: Oh, come on nothing super bad has happened, I’m figuring it out. Rory: You almost blew up the chemistry classroom, you act like a thug. Chase: I’m not a thug, I'm just adapting. Rory: Okay, then name one mundane law. Chase:... Chase: ... don’t...kill people? Rory:... Lena: Chase: Rory: That's on me I set the bar too low.
✨Im late but here's a Meme✨ Lena: I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own without a gumdrop translated but it's just so hard. Could someone please explain French to me I’m gonna fail the test. Chase: Fey but make it cursive Kyle: You have 11 letters but pronounce 4 of them. Rory: Learn to speak fey, now learn to speak Italian. Subtract the fey from the Italian, now you're speaking French. Jenny: Latin but make it fashion. Lena:... Lean: It's my fault I expected to much
✨Every two-day Memes✨ Rory: I don't have a train of thought, I have seven trains on four tracks that narrowly miss each other as they cross paths and all the conductors are screaming. Chase: Are you okay Rory *without hesitation*: No
✨Every two-day meme✨ *During Of Giants & Ice* Rory: If I die my funeral going to be the biggest fudging party and you’re all invited! Lena: If Chase: Great the only party I’ve ever been invited to and she might not even die.
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