So, I know I'm not really active on here anymore, except to read now, but I'm thinking about maybe trying to get back into writing, while my motivation is still really not the best, I write when I can and write when I have the motivation, so things are slow. But even if things are slow, I think I'm going to open up a book that is filled with nothing but ideas, previews, sneak peeks of what I do work on, etc. I may even redo my oneshot book or make a new one just so I don't upset anyone who liked the old one.
A current long oneshot that is in the works is inspired by "Burnt" which is a Kai x Reader book by teklarn, so thanks for the inspiration @teklarn
My anxiety has gotten a little better, the last time anxiety took over, I was actually able to prevent it from happening which tells me I'm beginning to gain some self-awareness back, perhaps a little self-control too whereas I had no self-awareness or self-control before when I went into a panic attack. We'll get there one day.