I am a reader, writer and traveller who has developed an addiction to all things Italian(art, culture, food and shopping). In addition, I am a foodie and fashionista who thrills at sampling the delights that life has to offer. 

Romance (the writing of it only since I have not yet found my knight in Armani) is my passion and it can be loosely said that I am an eternal optimist. In my world, the prosecco flute is always half full.

Born and raised in South Africa, I took a few gap years in my 40's and jetted off to places in China with unpronouncable names. Later, I flew into Istanbul, where I have been ever since.
A hop, skip and cheap plane ride away from Europe, I am now at the centre of the world, straddling two continents and loving every step of this amazing journey.

I have a part time job that allows me to spend endless hours writing (or reading on my Kindle ... I have converted from delicious paperbacks to dimly lit screens because my lifestyle and airline baggage limitations demand it).

In five years time, I see myself living in a mountain cabin (St Moritz will do), eating wholesome food and breathing alpine air while I hammer away at my laptop, churning out romances that will thrill, delight and take my readers to magical lands where they will meet charming (and tortured) characters who will eventually find their HEA.

Happy reading and if you dont absolutely hate my work, please vote :)
  • Today Istanbul, Tomorrow who knows ...
  • EntrouJuly 10, 2015


Última mensagem
AnaMese AnaMese Sep 02, 2015 03:59PM
Final chapter done ... there was a glitch with Wattpad which prevented me from uploading. All sorted .. Happy Reading .. ENJOY!
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