Hi Ana! OMG!! Thanks for saying such nice things about my book. You just blew me away!! Wow...just...WOW!!! Thanks so much for reading and voting. Readers like you are why I was able to finally finish this book. Only took me like 7 years. The incredible support and feedback I've received on Wattpad has been amazeballs! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my story would be so well received. Look out Publishing world. Chaos is gonna kick some a$$!! I hope you get a chance to read the second book. Trouble has a way of finding Chaos. Even if she doesn't go looking for it. Oh, and I would love to hear about what you thought of the twists and turns I built into the story. Did you figure out who Chaos was born to love before I revealed it? Did you figure out who the true villain really was? How did you feel about what happened to Carmen and the band? Now that's what I call a Super twist. Supposedly, nobody expected it. *evil grin* There's lots more surprises to come in book two, so stay tuned!!! And thanks again for sticking with me. It means the world to me!!!

I actually never suspected anything, at first I thought it was going to be a cliche but you really did an amazing job and surprised me. I really can't wait till you finish the next book and I hope you will be able to publish it for realz. And I will def. keep sticking to you. If you get the chance, can you read the first three chapters of my book because idk if I want to keep going. Please be truthful and tell me if it sucks because I dont want to continue working on something that no one will enjoy. THANX!!