
Keep your eyes peeled for the newest addition to my writing collection ;) I might be adding something new soon!



Hello! I don't know if you're taking reading requests but I think you'll like my book titled Midnight Chats With God.
          Kindly check it out and let me know if you love it by leaving a comment (or more ) and share with your friends too.
          Thank you! 
          I'm definitely checking yours out too. I totally love the title!


"He suddenly looks up slightly. I avert my gaze quickly, then for some reason, I look back to him and I smile."
          Why did the chicken cross the road? Nobody knows for sure. But why did Ava Lee smile at Blake? Because she liked him, of course. But does Blake like her also? Meet Ava Lee - 14 years old and very different from everyone else. She doesn't wear ripped jeans or swear. She's easily the most prickly person you ever met if you're not friends. Blake Emery, on the other hand, is quite the mystery. Is he kind or bad tempered? Does he like Ava, or does he not?


I didn't recently just give my life to Christ and I can tell you that the journey hasn't been easy. But one thing I have learnt recently is the battle in this world is between the children of God and the devil. God is the umpire and he is a righteous judge. He protects, guides, and has armed us with every weapon to fight the devil (the power and faith we have in Jesus name). And one thing God would not do is to meddle in our will. Sanctifying ourselves from sin and surrendering to God is freedom from the claws of Satan. Now it's up to us to use that freedom we have been given; either to serve the person who redeemed us or to go back in bondage.
          I really apologize if I wrote too long. But I can't began to describe how much I am happy that I found u guys. I just wanted to share this with u. 


Thank you for sharing!! Those are really powerful words :)


I'm definitely going to read your story about Jesus, it looks sooo good! I just wanted to say that we seem a lot alike, and that I love your profile! 


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to read it :)


Thank you very much!