
Happy New Year.. stay safe and healthy... God bless you all.. 


Hi AnamgaMenon
          It's been a long time since we conversed. Thanks for showing your support for my book A Rogue's Revenge. I am happy to say my book has been published by Europe books and is available in paperback edition. I need a favor. Is it possible for you to log into the below website and lever your review and rating for my book? It would be a great help for its success. Thanks for your time



Thanx for the follow hun x


@AnamgaMenon omg that is so sweet, I can't believe you'd want to search for me that's really cool. I am so happy that you're enjoying the books hun, I only have another 5 books to write after Heartbroken By A Hunter, wish me luck lmao.
            Thank you for the love and support I really appreciate it. I hope you have a fantastic day because you have really made mine xoxo


@LPDillon you're welcome... 
            I have been looking for you for sometime... 
            I read abandoned by the alpha on Dream.. n fell in love with the story... i was waiting for the second book on dream...  but then i thought to search for you in here... n god u hv no idea how happy i felt to see the second book here...  
            Your an amazing writer... keep going... 
            lots of love. . 