


@AnarchyForever tl;dr I'll just say the same thing I said a while ago; i'm done with actively going after authors. And in case you were wondering why I came down to your profile, I was browsing my inbox out of boredom and had a "and where are they now?" narration moment


@skull_dozer For instance, say I was in your position and hated yandere (I don't, just an example) with every fibre of my being and did what you did. I'd be justified in about the same way since the murder, kidnapping and everything common in yandere fics is about as noncon as you can get. "Yandere" is pretty popular on this site (about 1.8k books with the yandere tag as of right now), so it'd be fair to say a lot of people would be upset if all their favorite fics started disappearing because someone else doesn't like what they do. You see what I'm trying to get at?


@skull_dozer I'll admit it was a poor choice of words, but acting like you're the wattpad police and encouraging your followers to report authors/stories en masse simply because you don't like the fetishes in the content... it doesn't paint a pretty picture, if I'm being honest.


Are you a boy or a girl?


I just want someone who would understand me 


Thanks for adding Hitler's Greatest Creation to your reading list
          Wanna be a part of it?


@BrandonIsHere12 If that's the case, here are the details:
            Appearance is basically this pic - https://www.google.com.au/search?dcr=0&biw=1024&bih=768&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=80wGWuCkJceB8gW-upKYDA&q=anime-style+boy+with+baseball+bat&oq=anime-style+boy+with+baseball+bat&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..30i10k1.229829.240038.0.240300.
            Name: Gabriel "Gabe" Jakobs
            Age: 17
            Personality: Aggressive, Snarky. Not quite insane, but likes hurting people more than what is socially acceptable. Kind of a sadomasochist. Always eager for a fight, too.
            Other: Is Australian - was a transfer student prior to the apocalypse. Gets along well with other violent and unstable people, like Brandon, Akame, Veronica, Kyana, Lily, and Vanessa. Is also a big Disturbed fan.
            Favourite Weapon(s): Baseball Bat (wooden), and his own two fists
            Role: Scrapper/Brawler
            Background: Was once the best batsman in his high school's baseball team. Now that the apocalypse has rolled around, he enjoys bashing in skulls far more than hitting baseballs. Fond of roaming around and picking fights with strangers.


@BrandonIsHere12 You'll probably be wanting character details, right?