
@KJCustodio134 She a teenager. I don't know is she knows. She really enjoys it though


Hi ya doing @AnastasiaH2OH2O?
          I found you on a werewolf story page and thought you might like my heroic werewolves (both sexes) vs the forces of darkness stories. I posted 5 chapters from my third dark fantasy novel, titled; Moonwarriors: In A Blackened Dawn. If you find some time this weekend please read them and leave me a comment letting me know what you think about my writing style and plot line. Thanks for any feedback. (^_^)


Heyy!!! Thnnxx LOOADZ for the fan :) really appreciate it nd faNned back!!!! Oh my goodness,  Aaaww!!! Thnnxx sooo much :) reallyy...thnnxx ALOT!!!! Hope yu havv looadz of awwsome dayz.. peace n luv, hugz n ssmileyyz :) x


Haha I'll totally become your stalker if I like your work ;) I love your about me we have a lot in common so good start. I'll be bombing you with likes and comments so watch out... By the way I'm Fatima I always forget to introduce myself...