
I cannot believe I used to be such a buzzkill! Well. I kinda still am... huh. But now, I’m certainly less dramatic.


God, I don't know why I'm back. I guess I just need some closure, you know? I'll try to make this quick. Over the course of my time on Wattpad, I've mostly been a drifter, switching accounts regularly as to cling onto this. . . personality that I so desperately desired. I'm sorry. Even though most people were kind and welcoming, I felt itchy in my own skin, and found myself jumping into new forms, relinquishing my former identities and commitments. It's funny actually, how I abandoned everything but still get notifications from each, individual account on each, individual email, never quite bringing myself to move it to spam. Wattpad was a wonderful place, with wonderful people, but for too it was used to cope. I suppose, a dependence developed from those constant bings on my phone. It was an unhealthy sort of obsession I had with checking all of my emails and reading each one, without ever entering the site. I felt like an ex, a clingy one and in a way I was.  But school's starting and I feel like it's time that I stop fvcking around with my shattered life. It's time to pick up the pieces and move on. I think that's what I'm supposed to do, now that I'm in out patient. Move on, like all of you other strong people have done the entire time I've known you. Life's a b!tch, you know? Take care of yourselves. I hope you all live full, spectacular lives. I wish I could see you through them, but wishes never seem to work. Farewell, Jane and John Does. I'll miss you.