
"Hathor," she said upon sitting up "Yes, Milady?" she immediately leaned her forehead on my glass form "Can I truly defeat my father?"
          	CHAPTER 29 of Pollute to Purify is now updated after a year 
          	Link to chapter:


"Ooh, where are we going?~" Arcade wiggles his eyebrows "Take it." Milady offers her free hand to Arcade "Damn if you wanted to hold my hand so bad you could have, I won't mind Mirror." Arcade teased "..." The glare she gave him was threatening.
          CHAPTER 28 of  Pollute to Purify has finally been updated!! 
          Word count: 7,034 
          LINK TO CHAPTER:


"Let's just be honest here Zero," Arcade walks up and slings his arm over Zero's shoulder "I vouched for yours and Mirror's romance kay? I really did." the blonde's tone told Zero otherwise. Ethan can be seen playing with the twins in the background "Why though? I know you believed in yourself to win her." Zero side glances at the smirking blonde "I would have won if she didn't kill my sister ya know."
          Chapter 27 of Pollute to Purify is now available to be read. 
          Word Count: 11770 Words
          Link to the chapter:
          sorry for the delay. I was stressed with my school works


"I'm starting to hate tea because of this." Milady looks away annoyed "Did I blend it wrong?" it took a mistake to ease the tension "Why would you blend tea?" Milady gives her mother-in-law a questionable look "You're not?...oh?--oh!" the pale-haired queen realizes covering her mouth with a delicate hand, realizing she made milk tea instead of a regular one
          Chapter 26 of Pollute to Purify has been finished and is now available to be read, with a word count of 12,783 Words
          link to the chapter: 
          Sorry, the update took this long. I've been busy anyway stay safe :>


"Are you sure you don't need help bringing His Grace back?" Kaito asks as his workplace closes behind him, a co-worker bids him farewell "Nah I got this, right Sting?" the redhead amazon glances at her nearly passed out comrade "Nnnghhh..." a tired moan escaped his lips
          Chapter 25 of Pollute to Purify has been finished and is now available to be read, with a word count of 12, 686 words
          link to chapter:
          stay safe everyone :>


"Hibiki," the little ravenette monster caught Hibiki before he could pass by and relay to their guests and also trashy aunt Belladonna that the nectar juice is now available "Yeah what is it little me?" he inquired unbothered "Who's that?" the teen prodigy hurriedly demanded "Which that?" the orangette darted his head over the crowd of people "That!" the teen heavily pointed "Where?" Hibiki scratched his scalp, confused 
          Chapter 24 of Pollute to Purify has been finished and is now available to be read, with a word count of 10,606 words 
          link to chapter:
          Have a nice afternoon and stay safe everyone :>


"She's still alive Mirror! at least have some decency for the life of our daughter!" Ethan closed the doors shut therefore those who passed by took a peek at what was going on "Our? didn't you've claimed before that she was only yours? and now that Fuzuki's nearing death you're telling me she belongs to the both of us? how amusing Sting."
          Chapter 23 of Pollute to Purify has been finished and is now available to be read, with a word count of 10,217
          link to the chapter:
          Sorry that it took longer than expected, I had to divide the chapter into two therefore it reached 16k words. Anyway have a nice afternoon and stay safe :>


@AncientHailey_Comet when will you make a book about a father is my brother and my lover?


"Zuzu! Zuzu! Where are you?--" Hibiki started to call out her name in hopes that would work but the blonde threw his shirt at Hibiki's face who immediately removed it from his face. "Quit yelling we're the only ones here, she might have fallen off the boat."
          Chapter 22 of Pollute to Purify has been finished and is now available to be read, with a word count of 15, 262 words.
          link to the chapter:
          Have a nice afternoon and stay safe everyone :>