When I joined wattpad, my intention was to share some biblical fiction I was rewriting and updating.  Next, I wrote a contemporary book about a boy whose father is in prison. I was 
the education director at a prison for 10 years. While there I learned a great deal about incarcerated men and their families. I hope my experiences will lend reality to my fictional account.

I started writing biblical fiction to answer questions the Bible left unanswered. In the case of Dinah, I wondered how she reacted to the slaughter of the Shechemites and what happened to her. In the case of Baara, I wondered why an Israeli captive would care enough to send her captor to a prophet for healing. I have also written a novel about Delilah which answers the question how could Samson be so stupid. I recently penned Rebel Daughter after a discussion in our women's Bible study raised the question of how Hosea's daughter, Lo-Ruhamah, reacted to a horrible name like merciless.

When I lost my earring for the fifth time, the idea for the Earring was born. The journal the daughter reads is partially autobiography with a healthy dose of fiction thrown in when my life did not parallel that of the woman in the novel.

In January 2015, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. After undergoing chemotherapy, I was considered cancer free for seven months, but then lessions in my lungs started to grow. These are most probably cancer, since they shrank with chemo, but as of August, 2016 they are too small to biopsy. Cancer, God and Me chronicles my journey with the disease.

When my husband found Wattpad, I decided to use it as a way to share my writing with a wider audience. While God allows, I will continue to write and continue to share.

May God bless those who read these novels which tell of his loving kindness.
  • InscritJanuary 27, 2016

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Andicook Andicook Nov 04, 2017 05:09AM
This is Wayne Cook, Andi's husband of 46 years. She passed away yesterday after a 2 1/2 year fight with cancer.She loved getting feedback on her Wattpad stories. They will been small part of her leg...
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Histoires par Andi Cook
The Earring par Andicook
The Earring
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Crash Test Dummy par Andicook
Crash Test Dummy
In some prisons the term crash test dummy is used to refer to an inmate who makes poor decisions and stays in...
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Delilah par Andicook
Torn between a blossoming love and an inbred distrust of men, Delilah struggles with her promise to deliver S...
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