Okay, here goes.
I'm a loyal Game Theorist. I don't think I've ever missed an episode since about 2012? I didn't know Ronnie personally, nor have I ever spoken to him. Nevertheless, I knew of him. I knew what he did, how he contributed to the channel. I've watched a handful of episodes of his Digressing and Sidequesting series.
His suicide struck me, it hit a little hard and very, very close to home. But not only that: as loyal theorists we lost a great editor. I cannot imagine what Mat, Gaijin or Drake are going through.
This goes for any Youtuber who doesn't bring up a face for entertainment.
They're human.
They're more than a screen.
Yes, there are good days; there are bad days.
They're not some celebrity who will hide behind fame's white mask.
They're truthful to us, to fans. I admire that.
It takes strength and courage to admit you're not okay. To admit not everything is alright to millions of people.
We don't click for the game, we don't click for the theory. We click for them. Yes, it's their job; yes, they make money off of every click we make. But they're real.
Now, don't twist my words into saying that every video they make is them being real. There is some little light switch that goes on to entertain us, but when that light switch fuses out, they don't hide that.
But what's more amazing is when that light does fizzle out, is the community they have built. So much love, so much support, it astounds me.
They're not a screen.
They're not a bit of entertainment for your day.
To me, I hope to all of us, they're friends.
I may have never shaken Mark's hand and said thank you for everything you do.
I may have never hugged Jack and said you're a wonderful person.
I may have never sat down with Mat and just geeked the hell out.
But they're my friends.
They're my light.
And I hope to just be a bit of theirs as much as I can. It's the least I can do.
So even to you, Ronnie. You're a friend. Thank you for everything you have done.