Hey everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. I know I have comments to reply to, and another book to get posted. I'm a manager now, which means longer hours.
I won third place in @jessicabfry's Breathtaking competition, with The Butchers, The Menders! So excited! Please do check out the first place winner's work, @amberkbryant, and the second place winner, @MoonZephyr, as well as Jessica's work. That is, if you haven't already ;)
In big, awesome-fun news, I've started a mailing list in order to prep for the launch of my urban fantasy series in Spring 2015. You can sign up at http://www.andreagstewart.com. I'll have sneak peeks, notifications of free stories, cover reveals, and the chance to win a $10 amazon gift certificate each month (I can tell you for certain there aren't a lot of people on there yet, so your chances are good)! It'll go out once, maybe twice, a month, so no need to worry about being spammed.
As for the urban fantasy series... enter The Changeling Wars. The first book: Loose Changeling.
It's your typical--woman finds husband cheating on her, woman turns husband's mistress into a mouse, woman finds out she is adopted and NOT actually human, hot Fae man shows up to tell her that she's actually an illegal Changeling and some Fae factions hope she will save the world--story.
Love in Reality is posted in full now.
Thanks for sticking around! Free virtual champagne for all (except you underage folks. Bubbly cider for you)!