
Stay tuned, it should be published next week.


Salutations, everyone. I am sure all of You are ready to raid my home with torches, wood bats, shovels(and other gardening tools). I said multiple times that "it is ready" or "it will be on tomorrow", where îs the real answer? At the end of this update.
          First, Merry Christmas to all of You, I hope all of You enjoy the holidays with the person You hold warm feelings for and Kiss under mistletoe (unless Ur asexual or Something).
          For the last, lemme check....., ......,..... .
          4 and a half MONTHS, I put together story ideas and elements, wich was a grueling process. But in the end I managed to place them in the timeline good enough, in fact perfectly to fit my View, ideology, and of course, to make sense. I am really excited to publish the next chapter to let You all know on what I've been cooking all these months.
          Now, for a release date..., I have no idea. One thing its for sure. Soon. When it is ready. The waiting is almost over, I wont explain why it takes so long because this update is not my blog where I whine about my time, situations and cry-baby problems, no, this is a place of gentleman. 
          This will be my last update until the released of the next chapter. See You in the first ring, everyone.
          - your author, Andrew.


@ alonegirly01  Nah, I'm single.


@Andrew0847 so did u kiss under mistletoe ur person?
            Waiting for the update 


I'd like to dedicate this update to Ash_es.
          Happy birthday, Ash. You are the most.


@ _Ash_es  Andrew has warm feelings for You too. Ashy


@Andrew0847 Aww thank youuu Andy, I love ya❤️


I know I said no more gaps. I am sorry. I am really overwhelmed by multiple projects I am working on, for those who don't know I am in accounting high school, that's why. Tonight...or anytime this week I shall post the next instalment of my work, I appreciate all all of the support I got from all of you, all of you are marvelous. As a little tease, I wll say just this: Only NOW, things start getting wierd. Also stay tuned for a future chapter dedicated to Amy's Point Of View.


this message may be offensive
So. I do not know If anyone still cares about this lecture but I am so fucking back.
          Its been 2 months I am sorry IT took me that loong..., however I have been working hard to but all the key components of the story, solve plot holes and making the timeline as clear as posible. 
          Chapters 7 and 8 are pretty much done so stay tuned, 7 will release soon.
          From now on, everything should go much more smoothly, no more 2 months gaps.
          I am really happy to be back, I hope all of You like what I have planed for Martin.
          - your writer, Andrew.


Nice to meet you, Nora.

