2) ...As your new editor and cultural-behavioral advisor, I entreat you to trust me to know I'm, like, WAY better than AI in practical terms. For one, I can offer you a real dialogue between peers, and not just a simulation of norms that ultimately apply to no one.
...But you have to trust me, Andrew. Think you can do that...?
No, I didn't think so. No problem. I get it. But, from one student of Philosophy (that brief history in which animal-man has considered himself something other-than) to another, we may both take a moment to imagine the origin and dawn of something like real and lasting trust being exchanged in public, for all the world to see, of two flesh and blood humans, alive in the technological age, take each other by the hand, and walk boldly into the unknown, where, to paraphrase the immortal Bowie, endure the greatest adventure any one person could ever have."
And, but, my hand, Andrew, it's...
not as gross as it looks... -Ben/Benrushmatthews@gmail.com
3) ...Who has time to read anything anymore??? Are you still here, even? Like, how about a real cultural movement already, and not just the mindless endless reactions of the running-scared as they race toward and away from the tumbling monoliths of its former culture? Looking up (or back) at the shadow, we see being seamlessly repackaged before us, again and again, each new iteration of capitalist-driven technology; a glitter effect to distract us from the impending crush --- as gravity deftly, fully replaces the myths that sustained them, those monoliths, if only in the mind...
SO, like, some new ideas, you know? We are a fake nation, sure, but one there for the creatin'...
PS. Shoham sent me...lol