
Hi there , I wanted to ask if you can please do Mafia family and Young seungmin,I really love the plot and it seems interesting.
          I love your stories and I cannot count how many times I open Wattpad in a day to see if you've posted a new part of your stories,you are one of the most talented writers on Wattpad and I cannot wait for the next part of your story,keep on  the good work 


@straykidslover1438 hi! , Oh yes I will soon gonna start with this new story plot and also gonna do update for “Trapped”. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unwavering support and appreciation. It means the world to me!♥️


Hi Andrew, I've been enjoying your latest updates on Trapped, also because I'm fan of Stray kids. I wanted to share my new book with you, The Lawyer's privilege, which i think you might enjoy. It's a crime fiction story, which i think you might enjoy it. Although, my book is still in progress but i would love to hear your thoughts! 


@AmKaizen Hi there!, Thank you so much for enjoying my story, I'm actually really curious about your crime book now. I'll definitely check it out and let you know what I think. Good luck with your writing!