Hey thank-you for giving me the plot to my new book! I'd like to tell you that if you want to be my co-writer, feel free to private message me with ideas! Thanks a lot,
Thank you Sumithra77 for following me and getting this community to 70 followers in really happy about it and for that I will post the next chapter of (After Everything We Did) and ill dedicate it to you thanks and as always ill c ya l8a
Heya guys I just wanna make a special thanks to zimmea19 for getting us to 60 followers and that makes him the diamond follower
Don't think I like him most I just say he is follower number 60 so he is diamond follower so THA KS very much to him/her
Alot of stories and chapters will be going up soon i haven't been here cuz I've been in hospital for personal reasons
But thanks again for everything and look forward to everything
Thanks again guys
Till next time I'm STRIKEBLAST
And ill ya l8a
@apriloneil0320 I will do it as soon as I get a chance
Keep in mind I have college to focus on as well as the army so ill be very busy but ill update as much as I can