
I found my motivation to update and rewrite some of the chapters but my problem is my laptop is at home and I’m in another country and idk how to do it on my phone… this is just sad for me bc normally I understand stuff easily but I just can’t find the button for editing my story. I will try to catch up on homework fast so I can update as soon as I get home.


I found my motivation to update and rewrite some of the chapters but my problem is my laptop is at home and I’m in another country and idk how to do it on my phone… this is just sad for me bc normally I understand stuff easily but I just can’t find the button for editing my story. I will try to catch up on homework fast so I can update as soon as I get home.


I woke up this morning and found out that my comfort streamer technoblade has died. I hope he can finally Rest In Peace in heaven. I’m really sorry for all of his friends and all of the other people who loved him as a streamer. I’m really sad about it and will take even more time off from updating my story then I already took but this time it’s not because of school problems. Rest In Peace technoblade


I can't imagine that is already been over a year that I joined Wattpad. I started a story and meet fantastic people that commented and supported me. I thank you very much for all the good moments you gave me in this one year. My life had it's up and down but I always found my way back into the middle of everything. I thank you all for helping me and that you are amazing people. Tyson for everything.


Hello I forgot to post the second part of the Halloween special and my problem is that I have an very important math test tomorrow and I didn’t learn. I hope I find my time on the upcoming weekend to write it so I can write the Christmas special around Christmas.


Hello dear people. I’m sorry for not updating my book but I go to school and need to learn like a lot of shot I won’t need on my future but I still need to learn or my mom will kill me because of my grades. Great news for the people who want to continue reading because I have a 2 week break from school which means I can update after almost 2 months of doing nothing. To be exact tomorrow is my last school day for this week and yeah I’m happy . If anyone is interested in how I‘m: today I feel like shot because I needed to go to the dentist for braces (I’m going to get them and I’m also wearing glasses I already think I’m ugly when I look at my friends but it’s getting even worse) but hey I get holiday for two weeks which my brain needs. I forget things that got told me 2 seconds befor. But over all the book probably gets updated so you get some entertainment


Your history is so cool! I know how it feels to write on inglish when You're not really good at it, but your grammar is really good! 


@bxnsxn I was like wow what happens that I have 10 notifications in only some hour. The last time I checked whattpad what in my first Break from school and now it’s getting darker outside and it’s just wow