
First order of business, here is a list of fanfics I will be rewriting and posting onto my new account in the next few months:
          1. Kyle x Fem.Reader II Nerdy Romance 
          2. Craig x Fem.Reader II The Love Game
          3. Christophe x Fem.Reader II The Jewels of War
          4. Mike x Fem.Reader II A Vampire’s Mate 
          And Eventually I will get onto rewriting new sequels too:
          1. Kyle x Fem.Reader II In love with a Rockstar
          2. Craig x Fem.Reader II Love’s Heartless Game 
          We’ll have to see how things turn out, I may not even make a sequel but this is just some food for thought in the mean time so that you’re all aware of what I am to do. 
          And another thing, I may delete this old account so that I Truly have a new and fresh start. However, don’t anticipate doing so for quite some time, though that may change as I’m pretty indecisive and impatient at times too 
          That is all for now. I will be posting notices on each book as well so that those who would like to read the rewrite but do not follow me can be directed to my new account. 
          If you want to say anything, ask questions or have issue with what I have planned ahead, please tell me right away, either in my conversations or in PM 
          Thank you all 
          Lots of love, 
          Angel x


@NerdyGeekGamer Awe~ Thank you so so much, my love! I'm happy to be back, not officially but slowly integrating my way back x


Glad to see you back! 


Moving to another account : Angeliguil 
          link :
          I apologise so much for ghosting everyone but I hope to create a fresh start in a new account (also there were difficulties with my email so I needed to make a new account anyway)
          I will still keep this account up as it isn't certain that I'll rewrite/repost my old fics on my new account. Additionally, I have no idea when I'll get back to writing again as I'm having to focus on other things right now but hopefully soon. 
          I just wanted to give everyone a heads up. 
          Thank you for all of your support and love and I apologise very deeply for ever leaving, I never intended to in the first place and it was my mistake for never addressing it sooner. 
          That is all, thank you so much, I hope to see you all soon 
          lots of love, 
          Angel x


@geishamei Goodness, I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner but yes! I’ll try and read it as soon as I get the chance to, I promise. 
            But what an honour! I feel so blessed right now, knowing that you wrote a story dedicated to me - you’re such a sweetheart x


@geishamei Oh my Goodness! Bless your sweet souls, sweetheart! 
            It’s gonna be quite a wait but I promise to make it all worth it! x




I just want to say your stories move Me! Such detail and care in them just amazes me. Your so talented. I'm such a big fan of your work! Just saying 


@SierraHeart350 I love you and hope to make you proud when I make my official comeback in a few months time. 
            I'll be leaving this account and making a new one for a fresh start so I hope you follow and support me there as well because I know that, without sweethearts like you, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to come back x


I  saw your stories about a week ago on Deviant art.. was so glad that I found you here as there are no new stories on Deviant art... but I found out that even here you stopped...
          I hope all those messages reach you from everyone and that you will  come back ❤


@SierraHeart350 You're so sweet - stop it!


@LaraLu169 I promise you now, that I will be officially coming back as soon as I possibly can. I just have to take care of some things and then I'll be back with new and maybe even, rewritten content! 
            It'll be on a new and fresh account, however, as there are some email problems on this account x


@LaraLu169 I know right she's so talented


Hi, if you didn't read this, I'll just let it stay here.
          Angel Mcormick, I red you're stories and I imediately love you and you're stories.
          I was wondering why you're gone now..
          First time in Wattpad, already followed you, realized that you're gone now...
          I'm kinda upset, that other people missed you (i'm also there)..
          But you're name and personality, suites you.
          We love you Angel..


@OhFrappe OH MY GOISH!  I can't believe it! 
            I'm so sorry my lovely but I promise to come back soon, I just have to take care of things in my personal life first and then will be making a fresh start on a new account here
            (I can't get over how you assumed I'm a McCormick - as if I'm married to Kenny but I'm not gonna complain because I love him so much!) 
            I'll do my best to come back better than ever with new writings, rewritings and more! 
            I love you too, Hun! See you soon and take care x


Hey you have a deviant art page!!!


@axxi0matic WRONG! Because I did see this and I promise that I will come back on a new account for a fresh start, it'll be the same content but, hopefully, better 
            I wish you luck in your future writings and hope to see you soon. Take care until then x


You probably won't see this ever. :'( But I just want to say that you're one of the reasons why I'm still into South Park. :D
          You inspire me to become a better author ;—; 
          I'm usually lonely, but reading your fanfics never fail to make me laugh and squeal. ^/////^ 
          We miss you and you probably think this is weird because I'm a stranger. XD 
          Oh well, thank you for all the books, you don't know how much they make me happy. O^O 
          And I'll keep on supporting you wherever you are right now. ❤ Thank you Angel. 


@cherrytrice How did I miss your reply?! 
            I’m super excited too, thank you again for the love and support, I never would have thought to comeback without sweethearts like you x


@cherrytrice ahhh omg alsjskskj I'm so excited!! Thank u! I missed you so much ♡ I'll be looking forward to your work ^^


@cherrytrice That's amazing! I never knew that my 13/14 year old self could have that effect - I'm at a loss for words 
            I miss you lovelies too and I'm so sorry for being away for so long but I hope to make a come back this year, I just don't know when exactly but expect new writings and rewritings on a new and fresh account
            It's not weird at all, you're not a stranger, you're a friend to me, all my readers are. Thank you so much for all the love and support, I can't wait to come back to your beautiful human beings x