
Hello there my lovelies, I wanted to let you know that I've recently just made a new account by the name of GrayBassilisk111 as way to make a fresh start. Because of this I will be spending a lot of time on that account but my original stories will not end. In fact I plan to go back and edit them and give their story a little more depth than they originally had. So please go check out my new account and I will get back into my stories in full swing.


Hello there my lovelies, I wanted to let you know that I've recently just made a new account by the name of GrayBassilisk111 as way to make a fresh start. Because of this I will be spending a lot of time on that account but my original stories will not end. In fact I plan to go back and edit them and give their story a little more depth than they originally had. So please go check out my new account and I will get back into my stories in full swing.