
Hello. I’ve come back better than ever to announce The Distance Between Us is back and going to have a release date. Since summer started I lacked dedication to writing until recently I told myself to get back into it. Many have liked the idea of the story and now it’s my job to give that to people. I’m taking writing as a career and hope many will join me on my success I hope to achieve further down. I have many updates on the story but that will be for another time. Keep updated on my social listed in my bio, and once again thank you for being patient with me.


Hello. I’ve come back better than ever to announce The Distance Between Us is back and going to have a release date. Since summer started I lacked dedication to writing until recently I told myself to get back into it. Many have liked the idea of the story and now it’s my job to give that to people. I’m taking writing as a career and hope many will join me on my success I hope to achieve further down. I have many updates on the story but that will be for another time. Keep updated on my social listed in my bio, and once again thank you for being patient with me.


I would like to apologize. This year is quite hectic and to be honest I will have to postpone The Distance Between Us publication. I had the due date by the end of this year and have it done and finished by then, but seeing how busy I am school wise it will be difficult for me to squeeze in time for writing. I will be honest I have not wrote anything past chapter four as I am not only stuck on writers block but my mental health has not been great these past few weeks. This school year for me is my toughest and I am already falling behind, now I know I am ranting about my life, which I am sorry, but I will not give up on this story again. I made a promise to myself that I would finish this story once and for all, because I really do like my idea that I have with this story, the only problem is getting to the point and not making it boring and repetitive.  So with this being said I will try to get my mindset back and continue to write what I can. Until then, The Distance Between Us has been postpone until further notice. Thanks.


Hello everyone! I have some exciting news and updates. First off I’d like to finally announce the name of my official book I’m writing, The Distance Between Us. At first I wasn’t sure if the name did it justice and/or because I was afraid of people thinking, “Oh they’re copying so and so book name or similar” and I would believe that too if I stumbled upon it myself. Although, I am sticking to it because with all the hate I could get I’ll eventually get those who support it. Secondly, I have finally got a book cover for it but as many do on this platform it’s from Pinterest. I am giving the owner credit to it and have spoken to them about it (still waiting on a reply) I like the feeling from it, can’t go into much detail, but for those who want to see it it’s on my Instagram highlights under the tab TDBU (The Distance Between Us). So yeah that concludes my status update, I hope you all are excited as I will be once I release this book hopefully by the end of this year. See you guys in my next update!


It has been quite a while, two years to be exact and I know I haven't published or announced any new book yet. Due to COVID-19 I had lost all motivation and had major writers block and was hard to write what I wanted. Now, I am back with fresh ideas and a better mind set working on the previous book I had planned back two years ago. I have finished the prologue now all that is left are the chapters itself. I really want this to be my first ever successful book that I am proud of creating straight from my head. I know I have a small platform but within time my book(s) will run into the right people. Until then, I will work hard on this piece of novel I'll soon announce the name to.